Annie Appleseed Promotes Health Living

  • Amanda Bridges
  • January 2, 2015

Support for Partnerships to Promote Healthy Living

The BUILD Health Challenge is a national program designed to support community collaborations that are working to give everyone a fair chance to be healthy. Specifically, the Challenge provides awards to strengthen partnerships among hospitals, nonprofit organizations, local health departments, and other community organizations to improve the health of low-income neighborhoods within cities with populations greater than 150,000. Awards will support up to 14 community-driven efforts addressing health-shaping factors that individuals can’t control. Of special concern are people whose circumstances have made them vulnerable to poor health, whether that’s because of limited access to healthy, affordable food, safe places to walk and play, job prospects, or safe, affordable housing. One-year planning grants of up to $75,000 and two-year implementation grants of up to $250,000 are available. The Round 1 application deadline is January 16, 2015; Round 2 applications are due April 10, 2015. Visit the BUILD Health Challenge website to download the call for applications.  Please email or call Ann Fonfa directly to discuss this as time is limited as usual.  The  3 Steps 4 Health program, from the Annie Appleseed Project, can be adapted for any population.

Ann Fonfa (561)749-0084
President, The Annie Appleseed Project
(ALL-Volunteer network – donations welcome)
Information, education, advocacy and awareness on complementary, alternative, natural cancer therapies
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